Make a Contribution
Please use this form for your Bible Way contributions. Simply select your giving item in the dropdown options and enter your amount and contributor name. See the Contributor notes below. If your item does not appear in the dropdown, please use the Other Payment form.
Other Payments
Please use the "Other Payment" form to submit a payment for various Bible Way Baptist Church items. Simply enter a short clear description in the payment item field.
Contributor / Paying For Whom
Quite often the name on the payment method (Credit Card or Bank Account ) is not the name "For Whom" a payment is tendered.
FOR EXAMPLE: Elizabeth Jones is the name on your card, "For Whom" might commonly be...
- Betty Rollings (Rollings married name - Betty name you're known by)
- John Rollings (your spouse)
- John and Betty Rollings (you and your spouse)
- Chris Rollings (your child)