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Worship 9:30 am
Hour of Empowerment Via Zoom
Bible Study 6:30 pm Via Zoom

Welcome to Bible Way

Hi, I am Dr. Damone B. Jones, Senior Pastor of the Bible Way Baptist Church located in the heart of West Philadelphia, PA. I want to invite you to come by and check out the Bible Way Baptist Church. Our purpose is, "Preparing disciples to make an impact for the Kingdom of God Everywhere." If you want to have a closer relationship with the Lord, if you want worship experiences that are vibrant, energetic, and passionate, if you want Bible study classes that take you right into the heart of God's word verse by verse exposition then Bible Way is probably the place for you!

We invite you to visit Sunday mornings during one of our worship services at 7:15 am or 11:00 am. We also hold Wednesday Bible study at 10:30 am and 6:30 pm. We are hoping you will visit and worship with us. We are located at 1323 N. 52nd St. in the heart of West Philadelphia, PA.

Pastor Jones